Herschel 400ii Observing List (see note below about entries on list)

  1.   23
  2.   24
  3.  125
  4.  151
  5.  175
  6.  198
  7.  206
  8.  214
  9.  217
  10.  315
  11.  337
  12.  357
  13.  410
  14.  428
  15.  499
  16.  513
  17.  514
  18.  604
  19.  636
  20.  660
  21.  665
  22.  672
  23.  706
  24.  718
  25.  741
  26.  821
  27.  890
  28.  896
  29.  925
  30.  991
  31. 1003
  32. 1012
  33. 1032
  34. 1035
  35. 1045
  36. 1058
  37. 1060
  38. 1070
  39. 1073
  40. 1087
  41. 1090
  42. 1114
  43. 1156
  44. 1161
  45. 1162
  46. 1169
  47. 1172
  48. 1175
  49. 1184
  50. 1187
  1. 1193
  2. 1199
  3. 1207
  4. 1209
  5. 1325
  6. 1332
  7. 1348
  8. 1353
  9. 1400
  10. 1421
  11. 1491
  12. 1507
  13. 1514
  14. 1579
  15. 1582
  16. 1587
  17. 1600
  18. 1605
  19. 1618
  20. 1624
  21. 1637
  22. 1662
  23. 1663
  24. 1700
  25. 1762
  26. 1778
  27. 1779
  28. 1832
  29. 1883
  30. 1977
  31. 1985
  32. 2023
  33. 2071
  34. 2112
  35. 2139
  36. 2170
  37. 2182
  38. 2192
  39. 2196
  40. 2236
  41. 2245
  42. 2252
  43. 2254
  44. 2259
  45. 2261
  46. 2269
  47. 2274
  48. 2283
  49. 2302
  50. 2309
  1. 2316
  2. 2331
  3. 2339
  4. 2346
  5. 2347
  6. 2359
  7. 2366
  8. 2367
  9. 2374
  10. 2396
  11. 2414
  12. 2415
  13. 2432
  14. 2467
  15. 2493
  16. 2500
  17. 2525
  18. 2541
  19. 2610
  20. 2639
  21. 2756
  22. 2765
  23. 2781
  24. 2784
  25. 2805
  26. 2855
  27. 2880
  28. 2889
  29. 2986
  30. 3065
  31. 3067
  32. 3073
  33. 3078
  34. 3107
  35. 3145
  36. 3156
  37. 3158
  38. 3162
  39. 3177
  40. 3225
  41. 3254
  42. 3274
  43. 3301
  44. 3319
  45. 3338
  46. 3359
  47. 3424
  48. 3430
  49. 3507
  50. 3511
  1. 3513
  2. 3516
  3. 3524
  4. 3547
  5. 3583
  6. 3585
  7. 3596
  8. 3599
  9. 3605
  10. 3611
  11. 3622
  12. 3636
  13. 3637
  14. 3642
  15. 3646
  16. 3652
  17. 3659
  18. 3666
  19. 3668
  20. 3669
  21. 3672
  22. 3681
  23. 3682
  24. 3683
  25. 3689
  26. 3693
  27. 3705
  28. 3732
  29. 3756
  30. 3887
  31. 3892
  32. 4013
  33. 4024
  34. 4039
  35. 4045
  36. 4047
  37. 4062
  38. 4073
  39. 4096
  40. 4100
  41. 4105
  42. 4124
  43. 4133
  44. 4136
  45. 4138
  46. 4144
  47. 4152
  48. 4157
  49. 4168
  50. 4169
  1. 4185
  2. 4189
  3. 4212
  4. 4217
  5. 4220
  6. 4224
  7. 4233
  8. 4235
  9. 4236
  10. 4237
  11. 4241
  12. 4244
  13. 4248
  14. 4250
  15. 4256
  16. 4260
  17. 4264
  18. 4267
  19. 4270
  20. 4271
  21. 4290
  22. 4291
  23. 4294
  24. 4298
  25. 4299
  26. 4302
  27. 4310
  28. 4312
  29. 4313
  30. 4319
  31. 4336
  32. 4339
  33. 4340
  34. 4343
  35. 4359
  36. 4369
  37. 4379
  38. 4395
  39. 4487
  40. 4517
  41. 4519
  42. 4571
  43. 4586
  44. 4605
  45. 4608
  46. 4612
  47. 4639
  48. 4647
  49. 4691
  50. 4742
  1. 4880
  2. 4902
  3. 4904
  4. 4914
  5. 4915
  6. 4928
  7. 4939
  8. 4941
  9. 4956
  10. 4981
  11. 4984
  12. 4999
  13. 5012
  14. 5018
  15. 5020
  16. 5023
  17. 5037
  18. 5044
  19. 5053
  20. 5056
  21. 5061
  22. 5068
  23. 5077
  24. 5078
  25. 5084
  26. 5087
  27. 5103
  28. 5129
  29. 5134
  30. 5204
  31. 5308
  32. 5371
  33. 5383
  34. 5426
  35. 5430
  36. 5440
  37. 5443
  38. 5444
  39. 5445
  40. 5447
  41. 5448
  42. 5462
  43. 5480
  44. 5481
  45. 5485
  46. 5490
  47. 5493
  48. 5506
  49. 5507
  50. 5520
  1. 5523
  2. 5529
  3. 5533
  4. 5548
  5. 5560
  6. 5582
  7. 5585
  8. 5590
  9. 5595
  10. 5597
  11. 5600
  12. 5602
  13. 5605
  14. 5638
  15. 5660
  16. 5668
  17. 5687
  18. 5728
  19. 5750
  20. 5775
  21. 5791
  22. 5806
  23. 5812
  24. 5813
  25. 5831
  26. 5838
  27. 5850
  28. 5854
  29. 5861
  30. 5864
  31. 5878
  32. 5879
  33. 5899
  34. 5970
  35. 5985
  36. 6015
  37. 6058
  38. 6070
  39. 6106
  40. 6155
  41. 6166
  42. 6181
  43. 6239
  44. 6340
  45. 6507
  46. 6526
  47. 6548
  48. 6596
  49. 6604
  50. 6717
  1. 6772
  2. 6793
  3. 6800
  4. 6804
  5. 6814
  6. 6824
  7. 6857
  8. 6888
  9. 6894
  10. 6907
  11. 6960
  12. 6991
  13. 6992
  14. 6997
  15. 7023
  16. 7031
  17. 7042
  18. 7067
  19. 7082
  20. 7129
  21. 7139
  22. 7156
  23. 7171
  24. 7177
  25. 7184
  26. 7218
  27. 7245
  28. 7332
  29. 7354
  30. 7377
  31. 7392
  32. 7419
  33. 7457
  34. 7463
  35. 7465
  36. 7492
  37. 7507
  38. 7541
  39. 7562
  40. 7600
  41. 7619
  42. 7623
  43. 7626
  44. 7635
  45. 7640
  46. 7742
  47. 7762
  48. 7785
  49. 7814
  50. 7832
Herschel 400ii By Constellation

  • Andromeda .............. 4
  • Aquarius ............... 7
  • Aquila ................. 3
  • Aries .................. 3
  • Auriga ................. 4
  • Boötes ................ 14
  • Camelopardalis ......... 2
  • Canes Venatici ........ 16
  • Canis Major ............ 4
  • Capricornus ............ 1
  • Cassiopeia ............. 2
  • Cepheus ................ 7
  • Cetus ................. 15
  • Coma Berenices ........ 19
  • Corvus ................. 2
  • Crater ................. 9
  • Cygnus ................ 11
  • Draco ................. 11
  • Eridanus .............. 17
  • Gemini ................. 3
  • Hercules ............... 7
  • Hydra ................. 13
  • Lacerta ................ 1
  • Leo ................... 20
  • Leo Minor .............. 4
  • Lepus .................. 3
  • Libra .................. 8
  • Lynx ................... 4
  • Monoceros ............. 13
  • Orion .................. 7
  • Pegasus ............... 13
  • Perseus ............... 13
  • Pisces ................ 15
  • Puppis ................. 5
  • Sagittarius ............ 4
  • Sculptor ............... 2
  • Serpens ................ 3
  • Sextans ................ 1
  • Taurus ................. 2
  • Triangulum ............. 5
  • Ursa Major ............ 38
  • Virgo ................. 63
  • Vulpecula .............. 2

  • Observations by Date

    January 19, 2020 ......... 12
    February 22, 2020 ........ 18
    April 27, 2020 ............ 6
    May 12, 2020 ............. 11
    May 13, 2020 .............. 8
    June 24, 2020 ............. 7
    December 6, 2020 .......... 5
    December 8, 2020 .......... 7
    January 9, 2021 .......... 16
    January 13, 2021 ......... 14
    January 14, 2021 .......... 2
    January 17, 2021 ......... 10*
    February 3, 2021 ......... 15
    February 5, 2021 .......... 4
    March 3, 2021 ............ 16
    March 5, 2021 ............. 8
    March 7, 2021 ............. 6

    Total ............... 165/401

    The entries on this list were downloaded from the Astronomical League website on June 28, 2020.  I should have checked this list earlier, because in my research online for the Herschel 400ii list, I found excellent resources put together by other observers, the most detailed example of which provided charts and images of each object.  Unfortunately, some of those objects have been removed and replaced with other objects on the most recent H400ii list, so I caused myself quite a bit of extra work in creating my own resources to manage and present my findings by using the superseded material.  As an aid to disentangle the confusion for myself, I created this side-by-side comparison of the two lists highlighting the objects that were deleted and the new ones added.