NGC 4612 in Virgo   I thought this galaxy was easy, especially compared to some of the other ones I observed this evening.  It was not difficult to locate and even though it required making a rather long and imprecise star-hop to a point without any guidestars, its brightness and surface brightness allowed me to see it rather quickly.  The star-hop I made is not exactly the same one as I indicated on the chart, but that's because there were clouds obscuring part of the path that I showed on the chart; it's the best one if you are starting fresh.  Here is a great shot showing the environs around NGC 4612.
Date ..............
Instrument ........
Magnification .....
Location ..........
Observer ..........
Skies .............
June 24, 2020
13.1" f/4.5 dobsonian
King George Co., VA (light pollution map)
Eric David
drifting clouds then clear, humid, 4-day Moon