NGC 7742 in Pegasus

Date of Observation ...... January 19, 2020
Instrument ............... 13.1" f/4.5 dobsonian
Magnification ............ 76x and 123x
Location ................. Engelhard, NC (light pollution map)
Observer ................. Eric David
Skies .................... extremely dark, clear, very transparent, light breeze, zodiacal light strong
  This is another galaxy that I've observed before, on October 29, 2016, but on that date I made no record of my impressions, just that I saw the galaxy.  On this evening, I saw the galaxy as faint but clearly detectable, without any structure or any obvious shape or orientation.  This exceptionally detailed and deep image on shows that it is very round so it would not show any orientation.  The field stars that I noted in the eyepiece match the three stars (one of which is double) visible in the image.