NGC 2359 in Canis Major

Date of Obs ..... January 17, 2021
Instrument ...... 13.1" f/4.5 dobsonian
Magnification ... 76x and 123x
Location ........ Fredericksburg, VA (light pollution map)
Observer ........ Eric David
Skies ........... orange zone, clear, cold, dry

  This object is colloquially known as "Thor's Helmet" and is often featured in colorful images of astronomy and more than once on the APOD website.  I had never attempted to see this before, probably because I assumed that it was only a photographic object.  It turns out that is not the case!  I was able to see indications of the nebulosity immediately upon coming to the area, and after a bit of time staring at the location, I could tell that the central region was brighter and there appeared to be extensions of lesser brightness.  Then I added a broadband nebula filter, resulting in a definite improvement in the picture, which also more clearly brought out that the central region is the brightest and that there are three filament-like extensions, to the east, south, and north (at least as I figured it in my upside down view).