NGC 3162 in Leo

Date of Obs ..... March 5, 2021
Instrument ...... 13.1" f/4.5 dobsonian
Magnification ... 76x, 123x, 159x
Location ........ Fredericksburg, VA (light pollution map)
Observer ........ Eric David
Skies ........... yellow zone, no clouds, cold, poor transparency, seeing poor

  I found NGC 3162 to be not as difficult as the other objects observed earlier in the evening.  Observing at 76x resulted in being able to detect the galaxy with averted vision, but direct vision was sufficient at 123x.  It sits right in a very recognizable spot as the obtuse vertex of an uneven quadrilateral of faint stars, so it's easy to ensure you have the exact spot; I thought I could detect the galaxy's orientation but from the image in my observing guide, it does not appear to have a strong orientation.  Locating this object was not that difficult, because it is just southwest of ζ Leonis.