NGC 2245 in Monoceros

Date of Obs ..... February 3, 2021
Instrument ...... 13.1" f/4.5 dobsonian
Magnification ... 76x and 123x
Location ........ Fredericksburg, VA (light pollution map)
Observer ........ Eric David
Skies ........... yellow zone, clear, cold, dry

  NGC 2245 is a combination emission and reflection nebula in the area of Monoceros west of the complex of nebulosity surrouding the Cone Nebula and the Christmas Tree cluster.  It is not too diffucult to locate; I began at the main star of the Christmas Tree cluster, S Monocerotis, and went almost due west to the brightest star in the vicinity, then continued slightly north of west to a parallelogram of fainter stars, then continued on to a slightly brighter star.  The nebula is adjacent to the star, and was immediately visible upon arriving at the location at 123x.  It was not large; I noted it as a small nebulous area around a star, and I confirmed that it was the nebula because it became more visible with the broadband nebula filter.  I always find the images at JWinman's website to be incredibly good with the clearest annotation ~ he shows the entire area in which NGC 2245 resides.