NGC 4241 in Virgo

Date of Observation ......
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Skies ....................
April 27, 2020
18" f/5 dobsonian
Fredericksburg, VA (light pollution map)
Eric David
started clear, increasing upper atmosphere haze, high clouds, increasingly hazy/high clouds, four day old Moon in west
  From the previous galaxy group of NGC 4224/4233/4235, keep going south until you come to a bright star, brighter than any in the group of the above three galaxies; this is where we can find NGC 4241.  I had a hard time seeing it under the conditions this evening, so I had to consult the chart and image multiple times to make sure I had it correct.  Finally I was able to see the fuzzy form of the galaxy in the triangle with the bright star and another star that is not on my planetarium software but does show up in DSS images.  The galaxy was very difficult to see on this evening due to its low surface brightness, but it was clearly a distended hazy object compared to the dimmer star of the triangle.