NGC 4586 in Virgo

Date of Observation ......
Instrument ...............
Magnification ............
Location .................
Observer .................
Skies ....................
June 24, 2020
13.1" f/4.5 dobsonian
King George Co., VA (light pollution map)
Eric David
drifting clouds then clear, humid, 4-day Moon
  This galaxy was extremely difficult to observe.  Locating it was not that difficult, but this was the hardest object to see this evening; I could only detect the barest hint of a faint hazy glow at the location, using averted vision.  I did not make any mention of the other galaxy situated close to the field star west of NGC 4586, so I guess I did not see it.  According to its Wikipedia entry, NGC 4586 is about 50 million light years away.  I would conclude that it is not an intrinsically bright galaxy, because many other Virgo members are farther away than that and much brighter.