NGC 4264 in Virgo

Date of Observation ...... May 12, 2020
Instrument ............... 13.1" f/4.5 dobsonian
Magnification ............ 76x
Location ................. Fredericksburg, VA (light pollution map)
Observer ................. Eric David
Skies .................... clear, cold, somewhat humid, no Moon
  This galaxy was easy to locate, but extrememly difficult to observe.  I found it by going to the second star in the short arcing chain of stars north of the star that is north of NGC 4270, and heading due west to an obvious galaxy, NGC 4261, which is Herschel 400 i object, and then back-tracking about a quarter of the way to the second star in the chain.  I could barely make out anything of this galaxy, it was only detectable via an extended period of dark adaptation and averted vision to finally see that a faint fuzzy dot was there.