NGC 1325 in Eridanus

Date of Observation ...... February 22, 2020
Instrument ............... 13.1" f/4.5 dobsonian
Magnification ............ 76x and 123x
Location ................. Blue Ridge Parkway, VA (light pollution map)
Observer ................. Eric David
Skies .................... dark, clear, transparent, almost no breeze, cold
  This galaxy was pretty difficult to observe.  By this time, the field was very low in the southwest, so despite the clear skies I'm sure that atmospheric extinction was a significant factor, but I attempted these objects anyway.  Star-hopping was challenging but I was able to detect the faint smudge at this location.

From the image of NGC 1325 on the chart page I have, it's clear that this galaxy does not have a high surface brightness, which certainly contributed to my difficulty in seeing it.