NGC 1587 in Taurus

Date of Obs ...... January 17, 2021
Instrument ....... 13.1" f/4.5 dobsonian
Magnification .... 76x and 238x
Location ......... Fredericksburg, VA (light pollution map)
Observer ......... Eric David
Skies ............ orange zone, clear, cold, dry

  This galaxy is located in the far southern regions of Taurus, almost in Eridanus, so I assume that it must be part of the galaxy cluster in that area.  Start at the two equally bright stars along the northern run of Eridanus, oriented in a east-west line, μ and ν Eridani, and go north-northwest from ν to 45 Eridani, and from there identify three equally bright stars in a gentle curve northwest of 45.  NGC 1587 is located about half-way between 45 Eridani and the lowest of the three stars in Taurus, just north of a little trapezoid of stars that easily fit into the FOV of my 20mm erfle at 76x.
I saw the galaxy as a fuzzy spot that was fairly easy with direct vision, and was able to pick it up without knowing exactly where it was situated.  I could not detect any structure, just an even glow with no core visible.  I was not able to see its companion galaxy NGC 1588, with which it is interacting, apparently as part of a Karachentsev pair exhibiting extremely high rotation rate.