NGC 4136 in Coma Berenices

Date of Observation ...... May 13, 2020
Instrument ............... 13.1" f/4.5 dobsonian
Magnification ............ 85x and 76x
Location ................. Fredericksburg, VA (light pollution map)
Observer ................. Eric David
Skies .................... clear, cool, no Moon, slight haze & humidity
  This evening was not quite as good as the previous one in terms of transparency, so that may have contributed to the far greater difficulty I had in identifying the galaxies in Coma Berenices than the night before in Virgo.  We started off with a group of galaxies in the area northwest of the cluster Melotte 111, as shown in the chart below.  NGC 4136 is fairly bright, but also a rather large face-on spiral, with a correspondingly low surface brightness, resulting in me having to try a variety of different eyepieces over 30 minutes to finally detect it.  The final eyepiece that allowed me to see it was a four-element plössl, which is the fewest lens elements that I have in an eyepiece (no Kellners here lol).  What I finally saw was the barest hint of an elongated vapor of a smudge, but it was in the exact position it's supposed to be in, so I recorded the object.