NGC 3107 in Leo

Date of Obs ..... March 5, 2021
Instrument ...... 13.1" f/4.5 dobsonian
Magnification ... 76x, 123x, 159x
Location ........ Fredericksburg, VA (light pollution map)
Observer ........ Eric David
Skies ........... yellow zone, no clouds, cold, poor transparency, seeing poor

  The second object in Leo is much easier to locate because it's just to the west of the line connecting Regulus with the next star up in the Sickle, η Leonis.  I found it to be barely visible at 76x or 123x, so I went up to 159x with my 9.6mm erfle style eyepiece, and still had to use averted vision to see the galaxy.  It was very small, almost starlike, just like a fuzzy star.  In this instance, detecting it as a galaxy was made easier for me because it is so close to a field star, so you can make the comparison between the star and the star-like galaxy.