NGC 2261 in Monoceros

Date of Obs ..... February 3, 2021
Instrument ...... 13.1" f/4.5 dobsonian
Magnification ... 76x and 123x
Location ........ Fredericksburg, VA (light pollution map)
Observer ........ Eric David
Skies ........... yellow zone, clear, cold, dry

  I have observed Hubble's Variable Nebula many times, so this object did not present a challenge for me to locate or observe.  The star-hop, such as it is, is to go from the bottom star of the Christmas Tree cluster (which is the "top" of the tree), then keep going due south to another star of about equal brightness, then turn west-southwest-ward and go an equal distance to NGC 2261.  I found it to exhibit its normal comet like appearance, with the tail pointing north.  Also clearly visible was the curved shape of the fan.