NGC 706 in Pisces

Date of Obs .......... January 9, 2021
Instrument ........... 13.1" f/4.5 dobsonian
Magnification ........ 76x and 123x
Location ............. Fredericksburg, VA (light pollution map)
Observer ............. Eric David
Skies ................ orange zone, clear, cold, dry
  NGC 706 showed as a faint glow, barely detectable, right next to a field star in the exact position that the reference image I was using indicated.  I had to use averted vision to see it and hold it; no core or structure was detectable, just an even pale glow in the area where the galaxy was supposed to be.
The star hop to 706 can be done either from ν or ο Piscium or continued from NGC 718 if you have already tracked that one down.  Don't confuse this galaxy with NGC 676, which is close by and brighter.