NGC 1507 in Eridanus

Date of Observation ...... January 9, 2021
Instrument ............... 13.1" f/4.5 dobsonian
Magnification ............ 76x and 123x
Location ................. Fredericksburg, VA (light pollution map)
Observer ................. Eric David
Skies .................... orange zone, clear, cold, dry
  This galaxy was not too difficult to find, but difficult to see.  I found it to be barely at the edge of detectability, and was only able to see it with averted vision.  I could not detect any structure, just the faint glow of the object at the correct location.  This object is not difficult to locate:  start at Beid and Zeid and follow the direction in which they point up to two widely spaced stars, then from the upper left-most of the two, go down to the southeast until you get to a short chain of three faint stars, joined to another branching chain of stars that make a bowl (open up).  The galaxy is south of the bottom of the bowl just north of a field star.