NGC 1883 in Auriga

Date of Obs ...... January 17, 2021
Instrument ....... 13.1" f/4.5 dobsonian
Magnification .... 76x and 123x
Location ......... Fredericksburg, VA (light pollution map)
Observer ......... Eric David
Skies ............ orange zone, clear, cold, dry

  This object is also an open cluster in Auriga, but entirely different from the previous open clusters I attempted thus far this evening.  NGC 1883 is possibly the dimmest open cluster I've ever attempted to observe.  I would never have seen anything had I not known exactly where to look for it.  At neither 76x or 123x could I resolve any stars, it was just a faint hazy patch.  The other thing that was a bit unusual is that despite the cluster being close to Capella, it was surprisingly difficult to find; I had to conduct the star-hop very carefully and with several restarts.
One reason for the extreme faintness of the cluster is that it is much farther away than most open clusters ~ this one is over 15,000 light years away.