NGC 7184 in Aquarius
Date ............... December 6, 2020
Instrument ......... 13.1" f/4.5 dobsonian
Magnification ...... 76x and 123x
Location ........... Fredericksburg, VA (light pollution map)
Observer ........... Eric David
Skies .............. orange zone, clear, cold, slightly hazy from humidity
  This galaxy's location is not difficult to find, however there are no bright stars in the immediate vicinity to help guide you to the exact right spot; I had to pan around for awhile before I was finally able to see the very faint almost ghost-like image of the galaxy.  Once I was able to see the gray smudge, I found it to be fairly large, with extremely low surface brightness at 123x.  I could make out stars on either side of the galaxy, one near and one far, and I also was barely able to make out the fact that the galaxy had a very specific orientation.