NGC 4639 in Virgo

Date of Observation ......
Instrument ...............
Magnification ............
Location .................
Observer .................
Skies ....................
June 24, 2020
13.1" f/4.5 dobsonian
King George Co., VA (light pollution map)
Eric David
drifting clouds then clear, humid, 4-day Moon
  This galaxy was somewhat more difficult than the last several in that it required averted vision at first to ferret it out, although once I found it that way, I was able to then hold it with direct vision.  On the star hop to this object, it first led me to the star field in which NGC 4654 was located, which I was able to see easily.  NGC 4639 was noticeably more difficult than 4654.  I found that the surface brightness of NGC 4639 was fairly low, although I didn't think its size was small.  Jim Thommes as usual has a great widefield image, highlighting the comparison between 4639 and 4654.